Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mohican State Park Trail Run

Dmitry and I went out for SUPER ADVENTURE THURSDAYS!!!! Check it out!!

First - Lets start with a map of where we went!

Dmitry and I

Dmitry hanging out at the Little Lyons Falls

Stream on the way back to the covered bridge.

Oh no fire level is at 3 - which is deemed high! However according to Smokey the Bear - forest fires can be prevented!!!

Fire Tower

He informs me during the climb that he is afraid of heights .. 

But well worth the view!!


Couldn't have picked a better day!

Safely back to the car - covered in a little hard earned sweat!

This concludes our first big trip - hopefully with time we will build strength and distance in order to do some even bigger trail runs! The potential at Mohican is quite big however - it will be a great test of strength. Some of the coolest Ultra Races in Ohio are held there - and I hope to SOMEDAY race one! 

Note to self - never overestimate the volume of water you're carrying, seems like you never have enough! Once we got to the fire tower - I checked my pack to see how much water was left .... needless to say - a couple big gulps at best. Luckily we both brought water bottles that were awaiting us in the car.

-Ms Lish

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