Thursday, August 18, 2011

Salt Fork State Park

So... where to begin? First of all - we went with a semi time crunch. This is NEVER a good idea. However, in the end - we successfully completed our goal in a timely fashion. We were off and running ... and enjoying it so much that we managed to miss our first turn. This was not something we realized till the VERY end. So the next turn - we basically had to make a decision - wish I would have taken pictures of the markers, BUT the signs read more or less "purple trail - long trail" or "green trail - short trail." So we got going on the green trail - and going and going and going ... and realized - now we see trail markers for the purple trail .. which isn't the trail we wanted. There is absolutely no sign of civilization/cars/roads - so I keep pushing forward because at that point, I considered going backwards to be a set back. Somehow with pure luck, we managed back to the start of our first trail via the purple trail. Which also points out the fact that we never even saw markers the first time around for this trail. How could one miss the markers with horses on it? Well .. when you are being agile as possible and looking for your next step - looking up for markers isn't an option. None of this would have truly been an issue if 1. we weren't on a time crunch and 2. if the purple trail wasn't 12 miles long. In short - we had a blast as always :-)

First trail - Shadebush Trail

Tree down? No problem for this guy!

Mid-climb is the perfect time for a photo-op!

Green or Purple trail??

Whoa, who's that coming down the trail?

It's Dmitry!!! Look at that mug - smiling and all!

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